Upheaval envelops our world. Conflict in Eastern Europe could spark a third world war. Violence in Israel brings prophecies to mind. Charismatic leaders operate in oppression and corruption. Religious leaders are exposed as manipulative and sinful.In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus teaches us to watch for signs of the end, and many today believe we’re witnessing these signs play out on the news before our eyes. Especially with the rise of powerful leaders and the descriptions in Revelation, people wonder if the Antichrist is already among us.We should be cautious with such discussions, humbly realizing we may not be witnessing all of God’s plans. At the same time, we are taught to watch and pray.Regarding the Antichrist, it is wise to make sure we don’t worship a man or woman or hope in a leader, taking the place reserved only for Jesus. The apostle John speaks of how the spirit of the antichrist is already in the world, and that was two thousand years ago (1 John 4:1-6). A few chapters earlier, he also mentions people operating as false Christs (1 John 2:18-23). Therefore, while we may not be dealing with the Antichrist, we still deal with the Antichrist spirit and people who act as false Messiahs. Eventually, the singular one will emerge to unify the world under great deception.Here are seven reasons why the Antichrist may be alive today.Photo Credit:©GettyImages/photobank kiev