9 Ways the Bible Defines True Manliness


In the beginning, God created male and female. As such, God saw his creation as good, so both the masculine and feminine are meant to be a blessing with a redemptive purpose. After the Fall, human nature was corrupted, and sin entered the world. Much of what God meant for good was also twisted, and this corruption colored our perspective of what was once good. For this discussion, the human understanding of males and females has been affected, too. The Bible is the written expression of God’s word to us, all for reconciliation back to the Father and the restoration of what God desires. While we may struggle with the idea of masculinity and easily point to toxic versions of it, God has a redemptive plan and design for manliness. The Scripture can then be a standard of calling and inspiration for men. Here are ten ways the Bible defines true manliness. Photo Credit:©Unsplash/Gift Habeshaw 

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